【美国高中介绍】 盖贝尔天主教中学 Geibel Catholic High School

盖贝尔天主教中学 Geibel Catholic High School


英文全称 Geibel Catholic High School
中文全称 盖贝尔天主教中学
走读/寄宿 走读
公立/私立 私立
所在州 宾夕法尼亚州
所在市、镇 康奈尔斯维尔市
建校时间 1964
学校学生总人数 193
师生数比例 1:12
学费/学年 $9,900+$350(Technology Fee)
申请费 $50
官网 www.geibelcatholic.org



盖贝尔天主教中学 是由主教William G. Connare在1962年创办的。因为学校采用大学式的教学方式,大部分的教室布局不是传统的学生座椅排成一排,面向教室前方的样子。一些教室布局像一个咖啡屋,学生围坐在几个桌子周围。一些教室还有机器用于制作咖啡、茶和热巧克力,学生在课上可以喝饮料。











Geibel offers a diverse educational program for students in seventh through twelfth grade. A well qualified staff of experienced teachers strives to challenge each of Geibel’s students to recognize and develop their potential. Nearly all Geibel graduates continue their education after high school. Students leave Geibel prepared for college life and employment, knowing dedication and loyalty bring about rewards in life.

Geibel students can participate in a great variety of extracurricular activities and Geibel’s athletic teams consistently post winning seasons. Numerous service projects and community service opportunities uphold our commitment to responsible citizenship.

All these activities help Geibel students obtain a well-rounded education for a lifetime.



  1. 申请表
  2. 两年英文版成绩单
  3. 护照影本
  4. 疫苗及健康表(英文)


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