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【讲座】 “对话美国招生官”系列讲座第三期:温彻斯特瑟斯顿

温彻斯特瑟斯顿: 位于宾州第二大城市匹兹堡市,治安好,风景怡人,毗邻美国顶级大学卡内基梅隆大学和匹兹堡大学,学术氛围浓厚。93%名校升学率;财力雄厚,发放200万美金奖学金居全美Top 3。

【讲座】 “对话美国招生官”系列讲座第二期:罗格斯商学院


【讲座】终于等到你! “对话美国招生官”系列讲座,火热开讲啦!

不了解申请流程?不知道录取偏好?孩子怎么上名校? 名校招生官做客厚仁为您一一解答! 机会难得,让直接负责录取的权威招生官来告诉您到底该怎么做!

微信讲座WholeRen’s maxim, “Bringing Two Great Nations Together, One Student at a Time”, captures the essence of its mission to serve the educational needs and aspirations of families and educators in the USA and China while enhancing those experiences and involving highly reputed educational organizations and individuals.  This mission is predicated on meeting the needs of the individual student by utilizing the best aspects of Eastern and Western educational precepts, and making the success of the learner the highest priority.

WholeRen aspires to continue to help Chinese students and families benefit from education and experiences available in America, and develop and execute plans and activities that satisfy participants.  WholeRen foresees increased American interest in Chinese experiences and being desirous of opportunities to explore and learn in a Chinese environment as well.  Exchanges and visits will be more mutual and involve more American students from middle school through graduate school in China.  There will be an evolving need to create follow-up services, and design support that sustains students and reassures families to insure safe and fulfilling transitions.  WholeRen is creating a network of honorable relationships with organizations which can be trusted and networking with partners to round out support and services likely to be needed by increasing numbers of students.

The five key things that really drive results for Wholeren are: student success, satisfied families, feedback from previous clients, requests from educational organizations, and services tailored for individuals and institutions.